Apology Letters

   Apology For Blocking Someone

Dear {Name},

I wanted to reach out because I {got your note/heard it got back to you} regarding whether I have blocked you on social media.

It’s true that I did block you on my {Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/TikTok/etc.} account. This happened {time period}.

I’m sorry that I didn’t give you a heads up before blocking you. The fact is, I {blocked a lot of people/blocked people related to my ex/blocked coworkers/etc.}. It was not about you. I need to be very circumspect regarding who is able to access my personal posts due to {pending court case/job seeking/family drama/etc.}.

I hope you understand that blocking you was nothing personal. Once the situation resolves, I {will unblock you/am leaving the platform/etc.}. I’ll let you know once I change the settings on my account.

Please take care, and, again, accept my sincere apologies for my lack of communication regarding this situation.



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Index of letter of apology templates