Apology Letters

   Apology For Zoom Incident

Dear {Name},

I am so sorry for the incident that took place during the Zoom meeting. I had no idea that {situation} could possibly happen. While remote meetings have been an adjustment for me, I never imagined that I would be contending with {factors}, and apparently I was {overwhelmed/distracted/etc.}, because I fell short this time.

I've now {action taken} to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again. Maybe someday I will laugh about this, but for now I'm just embarrassed and regretful that I {wasted your time/caused discomfort/etc.}.

Thank you for your understanding and kindness. I will definitely take you up on your offer of {tech training/equipment/etc.}.



Download this apology letter template — free!

Formatted and ready to use with Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other word processor that can open the .DOC file format.

Index of letter of apology templates