Apology Letters

   Apology Letter for Unfaithfulness


Dear {Name},

I am so sorry. That sounds too inadequate to say how I really feel about this whole situation, but you deserve to hear it said. You deserve so much better than what I've given you these past {amount of time}.

I've been unfaithful to you. Not physically. I didn't lose myself so completely as to totally violate my wedding vows to you. But I know that being faithful is about more than not cheating. I've allowed myself to fall for another {man/woman}, to lie to you about where I've been, and to spend time with someone else when I should have devoted it to {you/our family}.

I tried to convince myself that my actions were completely innocent, but I see now that I was just making excuses for inexcusable behavior. I am so sorry for the pain and worry I have caused you, and for violating your trust in me. I know that what I did was wrong and I have ended it completely. I don't have the right to ask you for a second chance, but if you let me I will give everything I have to reestablishing your trust in me.

I'm so sorry and I love you more than I can say.



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