Apology Letters

   Apology Letter to Employee


Dear {Employee Name},

On behalf of everyone at {Company}, I would like to sincerely apologize for {incident}. The main perpetrator, {perpetrator}, has been dealt with according to company policy and has been punished with {punishment}. As you know, we strive to keep our work environment safe and friendly, and this incident has been taken very seriously.

While I was not personally involved in this incident, a company that allows this type of behavior to take place has institutional problems that need to be dealt with. So, I would like to thank you for bringing this issue to light. Even though the experience has not been pleasant for you, you have helped others to avoid {incident} in the future.

Again, please accept my most genuine apologies and if there is anything you would like to discuss about this event, please contact me at {phone/email}.



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Index of letter of apology templates