Apology Letters

   Sorry That I Let You Go

Dear {Name},

The day you walked out that door was the worst day of my life.

My friends tell me I'm not over our breakup. I think what I'm not over is the fact that I didn't fight for you. I don't think I even said more than a few words while you were packing your things. I was stubborn, and I was stupid. I'll never forget the look on your face or the tears in your eyes. I'm to blame for the whole messed-up situation.

Platitudes like "If you love something set it free" don't speak to our situation, or my respect for your autonomy and choice in leaving. Of course, I respect your decision. What I regret is that I didn't more clearly communicate my own feelings at the time. Now I will never know if it would have made a difference.

I'm doing OK. One thing that this experience has taught me is that I need to be more open in relationships and not close myself off like I did with you. So, thank you for that lesson and for all the good times we shared. My wish for you is a happy life, wherever you land. You deserve it.



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